Urban Renewal Areas are “slum or blighted areas that have been designated by the City of Jackson as approved areas for urban renewal projects”.
Five Urban Renewal Areas have been designated by the City of Jackson and these are the 5 areas JRA is committed to work in. JRA’s work in these areas includes acquisition, demolition, rehab, the issuance of bonds, and more. JRA has the authority to exercise its statutory powers to support development and improvements for designated urban renewal areas, most of which have existing conditions of slum and/or blight, as well as other areas that are at risk of developing slum or blighted conditions. All urban renewal projects must be in designated urban renewal areas, and they must be consistent with the Urban Renewal Plan and the City of Jackson’s Comprehensive Plan (Future Land Use Plan).
Central Business District
The Central Business District is the perfect place for you and your new business! Whether it’s a restaurant, coffee shop, office space or residential property, the downtown area offers many opportunities for Jackson residents as well as investors.
Highway 80
Straddles the Highway 80 commercial corridor from the Peal River, at the east, to a point west of Shaw Road, for approximately eight (8) miles. The area contains a mixture of light industrial, commercial, fast food, hotels, former & current shopping centers.
Jackson State University
Located just west of the Central Business District, with Jackson State University’s campus at it heart, the area is mostly zoned residential with commercial primarily along its peripheral streets and along J.R. Lynch. The area is bounded by University Boulevard, to the east, Central Street to the north, Valley Street to the west and Highway 80 to the south. The Dr. Robert Smith Sr Parkway provides quick access to the Central Business District and Highway 80 west and provides for development opportunities for both the university and the city.
Metro West
Within the Highway 80 Urban Renewal Area, the Metrocenter Mall is at the center of this area. The Metrocenter is bounded by I-220 at the east, Highway 80 to the north, Highway 18/ Robinson Road to the west and J.R. Lynch to the south. The areas immediately surrounding the Metrocenter are commercial zoned buildings to east, north & west; and residential and apartments to the south & southwest.

Medical Mall
Located on Woodrow Wilson Avenue, approximately a mile west of University of Mississippi Medical Center’s campus, the Jackson Medical Mall is at the heart of this area. The Medical Mall is surrounded by commercial, light industrial and residential. Bounded to the east by the railroad switch yard, to the north by areas zoned for light industrial, to the west by commercial and residential and the south by Woodrow Wilson Avenue.
There is also a Medical Mall Renewal Area Expansion located northwest of the Medical Mall which encompasses industrial zoned parcels, formally the location of the Hood Furniture Plant and existing light industrial to the north of the former plant.