Charles Taylor is a graduate of Morehouse College (Philosophy) and a member of Freedom Side, a national collective of social justice community organizers. He served as a State Organizer for the Mississippi Conference NAACP 2012 “This Is My Vote” campaign which registered 29,000+ African Americans to vote in Mississippi. Taylor was a Field Director and Campaign Coordinator for the Better Schools, Better Jobs (Initiative 42 in MS to fully fund education). Recently, he consults for One Voice, Inc. as a data manager and a community organizer for Energy Democracy. Taylor also consults a Data Consultant with MS Votes. Taylor recently served as the Data Director for Mike Espy for Senate Campaign in 2018 and served as Data Director for Jay Hughes for Lt. Governor of Mississippi in 2019.
Taylor served as the Data Scientist for the National Baptist Convention for the 2018 midterm election cycle and currently serves as the Statistician for the National Baptist Convention under the leadership of President Jerry Young.
Taylor is principal at Peyton Strategies, a political data firm, based in Mississippi, specializing in data collection and management. Taylor provides consulting services for non-profits and progressive candidates ranging from federal to local districts. With a background in community organizing, political direction, and canvassing, Taylor has a unique perspective, intuitive insight and sound judgment in the area of political analytics.